Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome to the party!

As many of you know I've been unemployed since last June. What you may not know is that when I took a career planning course last year, one of the things that came up as a possible choice for me was "comedy writer". It's something that I would love to be able to pursue, and to that end, I'm starting a blog to polish my writing skills.

I say 'polish', but in truth, I'm pretty much starting from the ground up. Each week, I'll take on a new topic that strikes my fancy, and give you a few hundred words about what I think. Hopefully, it'll be funny. If we're REALLY lucky, it'll make you think, too.

If anyone has any suggestions for topics that they'd like to kick around, I'm open to suggestions. Fifty-two blogs a year is a pretty tall order, and I'm lazy, so if you want to do half my work for me by deciding what I should write about, I can take Mondays and Tuesdays off. There are no subjects I won't tackle, and anyone who writes will get a personal response. Thanks for making my life easier!

So here we go! I hope this is not just an exercise in pointless navel-gazing, and I hope that other people actually enjoy what I write. If you like it, tell your friends! If not, then keep it to yourself, my ego is already fragile enough right now!


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